The Founder of VarioPark
Around 850,000 m2 of commercial premises already developed throughout Germany – more than 25 years of experience and in-depth expertise in the real estate industry stands behind VarioPark GmbH.
As Managing Director and shareholder of MP Holding, one of Germany’s top 10 project developers of modern logistics facilities, the 54-year-old business graduate Ralph Gumb now also applies his expertise to building up innovative business parks for small and medium-sized businesses.

Space for success
For a site to grow economically, it needs entrepreneurs and businessmen who tackle economic challenges with courage and ideas. A suitable space for successful entrepreneurship is also needed. Only communities offering flexible, attractive spaces will be able to use this opportunity for the future economic success of their site.
Not only supra-regional global players are crucial here. Company founders and small to medium-sized companies especially are key to the competitiveness of a location.
Space for self-starters and visionaries
Regardless of whether it is a start-up project, expansion or downsizing, or simply site optimization, with VarioPark, self-starters and visionaries will find individually suitable areas that flexibly comply with their requirements. Because no matter how different the industry, or how different the needs of the company are — thanks to the high standardization of commercial real estate, almost anything is possible.
Space with no ifs or buts
Not only the possibilities in and around the commercial area are relevant for the location decision. Attractiveness must be fulfilled today in many ways — and here VarioPark succeeds. The sites are located in prime city locations with convenient connections, are visually captivating both inside and out, and delight with surprisingly low rents on a short lease.